Redacción Alabrent
"By renewing the label, we are able to document to our customers that the complete production process of the individual printed products is environmentally friendly: from purchasing to production to energy management and employee awareness“, says marketing manager Cécile Assayag-Zimmermann, who accompanied the on-site recertification. Beginning in 1998, the French label Imprim’Vert® has been issued by a national advisory board, which is made up of members from various chambers, authorities and associations. The eco-label is used to certify printers which are either located in France or deliver to French customers and are willing to undergo continuous audits. A network of 200 environmental representatives assists the printers in developing and implementing their environmental protection programs. A total of 1,852 printers were certified with the French eco-label in the EU in 2019.Certification According to Specific Criteria
The company Onlineprinters first received the label in 2017. At that time, the company invested a five-digit sum in order meet all of the tested criteria. In order to further use the French eco-label, Onlineprinters must undergo a yearly recertification process. Additionally, an audtor visits the company every three years to conduct another on-site audit. Here, the following criteria must be met: disposal of hazardous waste according to standards, the safe storage of harmful liquids, no use of toxic substances, monitoring energy consumption as well as raising staff and customer awareness of environmental issues.